Friday, December 1, 2006

List of recurring characters from The Simpsons

This article contains a '''list of recurring characters from Free ringtones The Simpsons''' with descriptions.

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon
See Sabrina Martins Apu Nahasapeemapetilon.

Artie Ziff

'''Artie Ziff''', first seen as Mosquito ringtone Marge Simpson's prom date with "busy hands" in high school, in a later episode was revealed to have become a nerdy software millionaire. His wealth came from a device that transforms Abbey Diaz modem noise into easy listening music. In that episode, he offers a small fortune for a night with his childhood love, Marge, in parody of the movie ''Indecent Proposal''.

Later in the series, Ziff returns. It is revealed that he ran his company, Ziffcorp, into the ground spending investors' money on such extravagant items as solid gold underpants (a parody of the excesses of the Nextel ringtones Dot-com/Dot-Com era). He would party with Majo Mills Newt Gingrich, Free ringtones Janeane Garofalo, and Sabrina Martins Scottie Pippen. But he lost all his money and secretly moved into the Simpsons' attic. When Homer wins 98% of the company from Ziff in a game of poker, Homer is held legally responsible when the Mosquito ringtone Securities and Exchange Commission comes to arrest Ziff. Homer goes to jail until Ziff turns himself in, and Ziff immediately begins putting out other prisoners' Abbey Diaz cigarette/cigarettes with a squirt bottle as the episode ends. The Simpsons family suggests that we may not see Ziff alive again because of this. Artie Ziff was voiced by Cingular Ringtones Jon Lovitz.

It has been said that this character is loosely based on Robert D. Ziff, (R.D. Ziff.) The real Mr. Ziff is 38 years old, and is one of the richest people in the outmaneuver nato United States. (Currently #165 in the Forbes 400.) He went to Harvard with one of the writers of the Simpsons.

Baby Gerald

'''Baby Gerald''' is story leads Maggie Simpson's nemesis, although they have only come into actual conflict once. When known meaning Lisa Simpson rescued her sister, however, Maggie started to cry (though Lisa didn't notice). He is distinguished by his more suggested unibrow. In Marge Vs. Single Adults, Gay, Teens,etc. A wall near Kent Brockman headline shows A picture of clinton medicare Maggie Simpson beating him up.

Bumblebee Man
Bumblebee Man is a fictional character in the animated television show The Simpsons. A common fanon name for the character is Pedro, though he was once referred to as "Nigel" when he covered for Kent Brockman, local anchorman.

"Bumblebee Man" is a Hispanic television actor who appears on a television show (within the Simpsons universe) dressed in a bumblebee costume. His show consists of simple skits, often involving heavy slapstick, pastiching cheap mexican tv.

Bumblebee Man never takes off his costume, even when appearing in public, except in the episode "22 Short Films About Springfield." In that episode we see Bumblebee Man's private life and realize he is innately clumsy rather than simply acting as such.

He is a caricature of "El Chapulin Colorado" (The Red Grasshopper), a character played and created by Mexican television comedian safe an Chespirito.

Captain Horatio McAllister

Captain '''Horatio McAllister''', more recently known simply as the '''Sea Captain''', is the owner and operator of "The Frying Dutchman" not revolt seafood restaurant, as well as several ships. He speaks with strong seafaring democratic contract accent (linguistics)/accent, and has unrivalled knowledge of all things seaworthy. Once claimed to be the only one who knew how to stop the cope under dolphins' invasion of how dogged Springfield (The_Simpsons)/Springfield. Also suggested a solution to remove chewing gum from Lisa's hair, it was as follows: "Yarrg, what ye need is a Baltic Squid, they can suck the bolts right out of a submarine! Yarg." Under his breath, he once declared, "Yargh, I hate the sea, and everything in it!". He has claimed to have two glass eyes and once used this claim to explain his tendency to crash ships into large objects.

:(meeting Homer) I am the sailing instruct-''arrrrr''. And on movie night, I run the project-''arrrrr''. Only PG, nothin' ''Rrrrrr''. ''Yarrrr''.


As one of Springfield's most prominent york central Japanese American citizens, Akira is the owner of a most underhanded karate dojo (which Bart briefly attended) and also works at "The Happy Sumo" his hourglass sushi restaurant. He once helped Homer, Bart, and Lisa discover the origin of the mysterious "Mr. Sparkle" box (it came from a Japanese laundry detergent company with a mascot that coincidentally bears a striking resemblance to Homer). Also once, he, Luigi, the Sea Captain, and other restaurant owners of Springfield planned a (failed) assassination attempt on Homer because he gave them bad reviews.

Cletus Delroy
cost than Image:Cletus.gif/frame/right/Cletus Delroy
'''Cletus Delroy''' or '''Cletus Spuckler''' (voiced by violence wildlife Hank Azaria) is a "slack-jawed companies tend yokel," a stereotypical from sacks hillbilly character. As once introduced in song: "Some folk'll never eat a skunk / and then again some folk'll, / like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel!" (second verse goes, "Most folk'll never lose a toe / but then again some folk'll, / like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel!") (complete with a follow-the-bouncing-ball).

Generally a good-natured fellow, Cletus has been known to take advantage of others, as when he presents the lev Marge (The Simpsons)/Marge with 300 coupons for free remained unanswered pretzels from her pretzel business. Cletus has 27 children: Tiffany, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermot, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumor, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Clo, Max, Hunter, Rubella, Kendall, Caitlin, Noah, Sascha, Morgan, Kyra, Ian, Lauren, Q-bert, and Phail, as well as a wife, Brandine, who refused to wear boots to her strip club audition on the grounds that it would scuff up the stage, telling Cletus he "best take 'em back where from ya got'em." It is also implied that Cletus and Brandine are siblings, as in one episode they are parked at an auto racing event, and Brandine remarks "Why did you have to park so close to my parents?" to which Cletus responds "Hey, they're mah parents too!"

Cletus' last name is either "Delroy" or "Spuckler"; the Simpsons 2002 Trivia Calendar indicates the former, while at least two episodes (the first being ''Sweets and Sour Marge'', in which Cletus signed his name to Marge's petition to ban sugar from Springfield, and the second being ''Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays'' in which it appears on the screen in a news report) give his name as "Spuckler", as well as in "The Simpsons: Hit and Run" video game, where the mailbox outside his shack says "Spuckler".

Cletus was first introduced in season five episode where Bart gets an elephant saying look at those crazy people when Lisa makes a referance to slack-jawed yokels.

Colonel Antoine "Tex" O'Hara (Rich Texan)
'''Colonel Antoine "Tex" O'Hara''', also known as (the) '''Rich Texan''', is the owner of many a sports team or investment opportunity, and a dude ranch called ''Lazy-I-Ranch''. In place of a catchphrase, he is often seen jumping and tossing his hat while shouting, "Yee-haw!" and firing pistols into the air. He is also the owner of the Omni-Pave Corporation, which is "sensitive to all your (our) eco-concerns", and a member of the United States Republican Party/Republican Party. He was also the owner of a female greyhound who fell in love with Santa's Little Helper (The Simpsons)/Santa's Little Helper, She's The Fastest. An oil tycoon, O'Hara owns a travelling carnival which Homer and Bart had to work at after Bart wrecked Adolf Hitler/Hitler's car. When Springfield mistakenly assumed that Lisa died from a freak tree accident, Tex dedicated a forest reserve in her honor. However, he later changed his mind and converted his plans into building a theme park ("Lisa Land") over the forestland.

Due to his habit of shooting bullets into the air, the Texan was jailed for six months when one of his bullets hit a Texas ranger. He seems to be having difficulty adjusting to blanks.

Cookie Kwan
'''Cookie Kwan''' is a Korean-American realtor who runs her own realty business. She touts herself as being "number one on the West Side." She used to work at Lionel Hutz's Red Blazer Realty office, in her first appearance, in episode 5F06, "Realty Bites".

Crazy Old Man
The '''Crazy Old Man''', sometimes simply called the '''Crazy Guy''' is a resident of the Springfield Retirement Castle. He is often seen with Grandpa Simpson and Jasper. He often yells at people and is sometimes seen owning a store. He once had a brief period of stardom after his act of dancing on a streetcorner with his pants down became a hit on television.

''Where are you going at this hour? Hey, you'll scratch off them heads!''

Disco Stu
Image:The Simpsons-Disco Stu.png/thumb/right/Disco Stu
'''Disco Stu''' is a disco afficionado. He is usually featured wearing a rhinestone-encrusted jumpsuit. He often refers to himself in the third person (putting a big emphasis on "Stu" and then pausing before saying anything else) and is noted for being mentally stuck in the Disco Era.

He first appeared during a Springfield-wide yard-sale day. Homer (The Simpsons)/Homer was reminiscing about his "disco stud" sequined jacket from the 1970s, that only read "Disco Stu" since he ran out of room on the back of the jacket. Marge told Homer that the jacket wouldn't sell. Someone exclaims, "hey, Stu, you should buy that" to which he replies, "Disco Stu doesn't advertise!" He doesn't buy the jacket.

Disco Stu has also been seen with dead goldfish in his platform shoes, hitting on Marge Simpson at a ski lodge (until he finds out she has children), dancing with Homer after Homer discovers his love of walking, and, most recently, a regular on Homer's talk show. During a "taxi cab confession" Disco Stu revealed that he's actually really worried that he's let Disco define him as a person.

Disco Stu has also been parodied as a "Discus Stu" in an "Odyssey" parody, which takes place in Ancient Greece (he is a suitor to Odysseus' wife, Penelope). We later find out Discus Stu has enough Ouzo for Two-zo. (Stu and Bart.) He calls himself "Disco Shrew" in the Treehouse of Horror XIII "Dr. Moreau" parody, where Stu was turned into a rodent-like creature.

In the season sixteen episode ''There's Something About Marrying'' it is revealed that Disco Stu is Selma Bouvier/Selma's fourth hushand.

''"Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976? If these trends continue... AAY!"''

Dr. Julius Hibbert
Image:c-hibert.gif/thumb/right/Dr. Hibbert

Dr. '''Julius Hibbert''' is the Simpson family physician. Voiced by Harry Shearer, he is a kind-hearted family doctor, a genius, a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Mensa_International/Mensa member, and is one of the few regular African-American characters on the series. Hibbert is noticeably less dysfunctional than just about everyone else on the show, though he does have a bizarre tendency to laugh at inappropriate moments. He also gives silly solutions to certain medical problems. For example, when Maggie Simpson/Maggie saved Homer from drowning, he replied to Marge Simpson/Marge's question "How can a baby save the life of a full-grown man?", "It's very simple. When an adult's life is in danger, a child can summon superhuman strength!" Or when Homer lost a thumb, Dr. Hibbert tells him that his Finger Insurance will not cover reattachment (as a thumb is not a finger) and suggests he can remove the other thumb for symmetry.

He is often seen in flashbacks (for example, Lisa Simpson/Lisa's birth, or Bart Simpson/Bart's accidents as a toddler), and each time has a different hairstyle (afro, Bob Marley-ish, Mr. T, etc.), as appropriate for the time period. He is married; he and his wife Bernice have three children, two boys and a girl. When his entire family is seen together, they appear to be a spoof of The Cosby Show.

Dr. Hibbert was intended as a female character based on comedian and former Saturday Night Live cast member Julia Hibbert, better known as Julia Sweeney. When the Fox network moved "The Simpsons" to Thursdays opposite NBC's top-rated "The Cosby Show", the show's producers completely redesigned Dr. Hibbert as a parody of Bill Cosby/Cosby's character Dr. Cliff Huxtable. Another possible influence in the creation of the character is basketball player Julius Erving, who was nicknamed Doctor J.

It's implied that he and Bleeding Gums Murphy are long-lost brothers. Also, he bears a striking resemblance to the director of the Shelbyville (Simpsons)/Shelbyville orphanage, which may or may not be coincidence (especially considering that the latter mentions a personal quest to find his long-lost twin).

Dr. Marvin Monroe
Dr. '''Marvin Monroe''' is a goofy, strangled-voiced local psychiatrist, once Montgomery Burns/Mr. Burns' therapist. Monroe also promoted series of subliminal message/subliminal weight-loss audio cassettes. He apparently died between the sixth and seventh seasons, and the Springfield (The Simpsons)/Springfield hospital has been named in his honor. His grave could also be seen in the graveyard in the episode, "
Alone Again, Natura-Diddly." Monroe's disappearance is an example of Chuck Cunningham syndrome.

Monroe was voiced by Harry Shearer, who reportedly wanted Dr. Monroe removed from the show because doing the character's voice hurt his larynx. Dr. Monroe did make a later appearance in the episode "Diatribe of a Mad Housewife," claiming that he has been "very sick".

Dr. Nick Riviera
Image:The Simpsons-Dr Nick Riviera.png/thumb/right/Dr. Nick Riviera

Dr. '''Nick Riviera''' (voiced by Hank Azaria) is a quack physician (although he claims to be "just as good as Dr. Hibbert"). Riviera is of Hispanic descent (one of his ads even states that he is able to speak Spanish Language/Spanish), and has a medical degree from a community college (at which he apparently spent much of his time prescribing "anything I want" to a succession of attractive women back in the 1970s), and a great deal of luck. Dr. Riviera also studied at the Hollywood Upstairs School of Medicine.

He frequently appears on infomercials pitching all sorts of bizarre medical offers and turns his operations into TV spectacles. He is also shown as an inventor/huckster (in the style of Ron Popeil) on the television show "I Can't Believe They Invented It!"

Dr. Nick is notable for his exclamation upon entering a room of "Hi, everybody!" which is followed by a response of "Hi, Dr. Nick!" from the other characters. There was an Austrian version of "Dr". Riviera in one of the episodes, and his exclamation is "Gutentag, everybody!" Another variation is an episode where Mel Gibson says, "Hi, everybody!" and Dr. Nick responds with "Hi, Mr Gibson", then saying to himself, "That felt weird".

He has operated on the Simpson family a couple of times (when they can't afford Doctor Hibbert), notably when Homer Simpson could not afford a heart bypass from his regular doctor. Lisa Simpson attended the live audience for the operation and saved the day by guiding the obviously clueless Dr. Riviera through the operation.

The character design is based somewhat on Gabor Csupo, of Klasky Csupo studios - the animators mistakenly believed Hank Azaria was impersonating Gabor. He may also be based on Elvis Presley's personal physician, a man of Greek descent and questionable ethics who was said to have pumped Presley so full of prescription drugs in his later years that it ruined the singer's health and eventually killed him.

''I will perform any operation for the low, low price of $129.95!''
''Call 1-600-DOCTORB! The 'B' is for 'bargain'!''
''This won't hurt a bit, until I jam this down your throat!''
''The coroner? I am so sick of that guy!''
''Inflammable means flammable?? What a country!''
''When you were in that coma, did you feel your brain getting damaged?''
''Seriously, baby, I can prescribe anything I want.''
(Said upon seeing Jasper frozen in a Quik-E-Mart freezer)
"Hi, frozen body!"
(Said while staring at an anesthetized patient's torso, just before the patient slips into unconsciousness): ''What the hell is that?''
(Singing, during surgery): ''The knee bone's connected to the - something''
''The something's connected to the - red thing''
''The red thing's connected to my - wristwatch... Uh oh.''

Drederick Tatum

'''Drederick Tatum''' is a professional boxer. He has appeared in several episodes, most notably when Homer Simpson/Homer becomes a boxer. Tatum is a parody of Mike Tyson; he has a similar criminal record and Lisp (speech)/lisp. Tatum's manager is a Don King lookalike named Lucius Sweet.

Duff man

Image:Duff Man.png/thumb/Duff Man
'''Duff man''' is the mascot and spokesman for the Duff Beer company. He is an athletic and smooth-talking corporate personality who wears blue and red tights, a red cape, white gloves, and the name "Duff" emblazoned across his chest. The ensemble features a red hat, dark sunglasses, and a belt of beer cans around his waist.

Though he is the corporate tool of Duff Beer, in one episode he was torn between the company he loved and the truth of the local team, the Isotopes, about how they were going to be moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico/Albuquerque. In the tange, Duffman followed the slogan What would Jesus do and sided with Homer.

It was revealed that he is Judaism/Jewish in the episode where Homer Simpson/Homer and Marge Simpson/Marge attend Oktoberfest. Ironically, he exclaims "This Reich will last a thousand beers!"

Duff man is generally known for his methodically slow speech, complete with dramatic pauses and ending with a suggestive "Yello/Oh, yeah!" He also refers to himself in the third person.

His real names have been said to be Sid, Larry, and Barry. It has been implied that he has been played by several different people. In his own words: "Duff man can never die, only the actors who portray him."

Fat Tony
Image:The Simpsons-Fat Tony.png/thumb/right/Fat Tony

'''Anthony "Fat Tony" D'Amico''' (voiced by Joe Mantegna) is the local Mafia Don. His real name was said to be '''William Williams''' in an episode where Bart was working part time for the Mafia at the "Legitimate Businessman's Club". In another episode, Frankie "The Squealer" reveals Fat Tony's real name to be Marion (possibly a reference to John Wayne's real first name). Fat Tony is a pastiche of characters from endless Mafia movie and TV dramas. His fellow mobsters include '''Joey''', '''Legs''', '''Louie''', and, occasionally, Johnny Tightlips. Tony's schemes have ranged from selling rat milk to schoolchildren to the illegal fireworks racket, which were stored in a cave in the woods that Bart and Milhouse accidentally discovered. He once went to war with the local Yakuza over conflicts in the pretzel business.

The Simpson family has come into contact with him on several occasions. In a thinly-disguised parody of Goodfellas, Bart Simpson/Bart gets a job serving drinks in the Mafia's local bar (complete with card table with every chair facing the wall). On another occasion, Homer Simpson/Homer gets mistaken for Krusty the Klown, who owes Fat Tony gambling debts. In "Insane Clown Poppy", Krusty bets his daughter's violin in a poker game, which Homer is sitting in on; Homer is later shot in the arm for helping to sneak into Tony's compound to get it back, and for mouthing off to the hoods afterwards. In still another run-in, Tony put out a contract on Homer after his private security business interfered with the mob's interests. Homer would have been executed gangland-style if not for Maggie coming to the rescue with her shotgun.

Fat Tony imitates Marlon Brando in one episode, performing the orange-in-the-mouth bit from ''The Godfather'' to amuse his cohorts. Interestingly, Mantegna appeared in the third installment of the movie, which Tony complains, in the same episode, wasn't as good as the first two.

:Police Chief Wiggum: ''You wouldn't happen to know anything about a cigarette truck that got hijacked on Route 401?''
:Fat Tony: ''What's a truck?''
:Police Chief Wiggum: ''Don't play dumb with me...''

:Fat Tony: ''You have 24 hours to give us the monies, and to show you we're serious, you have 12 hours.''


'''Gil''' (Voiced by Dan Castellaneta) is a perpetual loser, a nervous, middle-aged man with the inability to hold a steady job, due to strings of misfortunes that tend to hit him at the worst times. He has been seen holding any number of small menial jobs, including used car salesman, doorbell salesman, real estate salesman, Coleco computer salesman, and newspaper subscription salesman. Since the departure of Lionel Hutz from the series, Gil has been used as a cheap replacement lawyer in court scenes.

The character is based on Jack Lemmon's portrayal of salesman Shelley "The Machine" Levene in the 1992 movie adaptation of David Mamet's Pulitzer prize-winning play Glengarry Glen Ross.

''That's it. Drool all you want. You can't hurt that paint job. Now rain water, that'll take right off. Oh man! Why didn't I close the deal?''

''Now, let's talk rust-proofing. These Colecos'll rust up on ya' like that, er ... shut up, Gil. Close the deal ... close the deal!''

''Homer: Now I'm not a man of words.(Reallllly long silence)Gil: You gotta say something! She's looking at twenty years! And my legal license expires in 15 minutes!''

Hans Moleman
Image:The Simpsons-Hans Moleman.png/thumb/right/Hans Moleman

'''Hans Moleman''' is a 4'5" mole-like man with extremely bad luck. Although apparently elderly, he claims to be only in his mid-thirties. He has cataracts and is partially blind, cannot read, and uses medical marijuana. He is secretly the leader of an underground civilization in the style of the Mole People.

Hans drives a 1977 AMC Gremlin, and carries a brown cane with him everywhere. He has a slight crush on either Patty Bouvier/Patty or Selma Bouvier/Selma. He runs an early morning radio show, on which he introduces himself as "This is Moleman in the Morning, Good Moleman to you".

When Homer hired cult deprogrammers to return Bart to him, they kidnapped Hans by mistake. He was soon "deprogrammed" and returned to Homer and Marge: "Mom, Dad, I missed you. Cowabunga, dudes!"

He once created a "hit movie", called "Man gets hit by football." The highlight of this film (in fact, the only scene) is reminiscent of the "Funniest Videos" television shows: Hans awaits a passed football, but he misses the catch, the ball hits him in the crotch, he falls to the ground in pain.

Hans has escaped death innumerable times: Burns drills into Hans's head (when he mistakes Hans for a Leprechaun and looks for his lucky charms). He drowns in quicksand. Is run off the road. Run over by Homer J. Simpson. Fell out of a window. He was "absorbed" by a huge bubble a la The Prisoner. #Dr. Julius Hibbert/Dr. Hibbert forgot Hans and left him in a fluoroscope. A scene in one episode has him about to be executed in Springfield Jail. Once he's even buried alive.

''Please take me somewhere happy.''

''My doctor never told me that. I had to hear it from Phish.'' (upon learning that his body is in terrible shape)

''Alcohol has ruined my life... I'm only 31 years old!!!''

''I think that I shall never see: / My cataracts are blinding me.''

The owner of a military antiques store.

Voiced by Harry Shearer. He is the owner of Herman's Military Antiques, and dresses in military fatigues. He only has one arm; the other arm was lost by sticking it out of the window of a moving bus, although the writers had originally intended for him to give a different reason each time he appeared. His voice is similar to that of George H.W. Bush.

He is friends with Abraham Simpson, to whom he sold a Shriner's hat, though he claimed it was from Napoleon. He later negotiated a peace treaty between Bart Simpson and the bully Nelson Muntz. He also tried to sell counterfeit jeans out of the Simpson's garage, but was foiled by Marge Simpson.

He once captured Chief Wiggum and Snake and held them hostage in a scene remniscent of Pulp Fiction, but was thwarted by Milhouse Van Houten.

Herman possesses a small scale tactical nuclear bomb, designed by the government during the 1950's to be dropped from a B-52 Stratofortress/B-52 onto Beatniks. He keeps it in a plot of land behind his store, and usually only brings potential buyers to see it on special occasions: when Homer Simpson/Homer and his friends were buying dozens of guns, Herman assumed they were a bachelor party of some kind, but when Homer told him they were forming a vigilante movement, Herman brought him to see the Bomb. The Bomb has a sign next to it which reads "Do Not Ride The Bomb", a rule which Homer broke (spoofing Dr. Strangelove).

Hyman Krustovsky

'''Hyman Krustovsky''' (originally voiced by Jackie Mason and later by other actors) is the father of Krusty the Klown. He is the rabbi at the local synagogue. Krusty and his father became estranged when Hyman discovered that his son was the entertainment at a dinner he was attending. Hyman very strongly disapproved of his son's profession and the disrespect he had for his Jewish heritage. Thanks to the efforts of Bart and Lisa, the pair were reunited and made amends. More recently, Hyman officiated at his son's belated Bar Mitzvah.

He was first introduced in the Season Three episode "Like Father Like Son" where everyone finds out Krusty is Jewish.

Jack Larson

'''Jack Larson''' is a slick spokesman for Laramie cigarettes and once owned the Springfield Isotopes. The Spokesman for his cigarette company is menthol moose


'''Jasper''' is a somewhat senile resident of Springfield Retirement Castle and a good friend of Abraham (The Simpsons)/Abraham Simpson.

When called in to help replace teachers (who are on strike), he gets his beard stuck in a mechanical pencil sharpener; while teaching he also confiscated everything in the room made of tin, and two children passed out from the fumes of his ointment; he also threatens everyone with 'a paddlin'. When kids steal the electronics from the television/TV set in the Retirement Castle, replacing them with a cat, Jasper stares at the cat in the television, pressing buttons on the remote control/remote while mumbling "Two hundred channels and nothing but cats". After becoming stuck in a freezer, he was briefly showcased as the Kwik-e-mart attraction Frostilicus.

Jasper was also shot in his wooden leg by Waylon Smithers while walking down the sidewalk.

''You shot who in the what now?'' - Jasper

Jebediah Springfield
Image:The Simpsons-Jebediah Springfield.png/thumb/right/Jebediah Springfield
The historical founder of Springfield (The Simpsons)/Springfield.

Jebediah Obadiah Zachariah Jedediah Springfield, is the purported historical founder of the town of Springfield. Springfield had many famous quotations, such as "A noble spirit Made-up words in The Simpsons/embiggens the smallest man", and was well known for his silver tongue (literally; the silver tongue was a prosthesis, his original tongue having been bitten off by a Turkic peoples/Turk in a barroom brawl).

Springfield led a band of wagons westward along with his partner Shelbyville Manhattan; but they parted ways when Manhattan wanted to found a town where people could marry their cousins, and Springfield wanted a town devoted to chastity, abstinence, and a flavourless mush he called root-marm. Manhattan went on to found the rival town of Shelbyville (The Simpsons)/Shelbyville.

On an expedition to Springfield's historic "Fort Sensible," Bart Simpson uncovered inconsistencies in the Jebediah legend. Lisa Simpson later proved that "Jebediah Springfield" was a bloodthirsty pirate and enemy of George Washington named Hans Sprungfeld, who had changed his name to hide and who hated the town of Springfield.

Springfield is said to have dramatically killed a bear with his bare hands. A statue of this sits in the center of the Springfield town square, in front of the city hall. Contemporary historians believe the bear in fact probably killed him. He is also said to have once tamed an untamable buffalo (though he later secretly admitted that it had already been tame; he merely shot it). The Springfield Marathon commemorates an occasion on which he ran across six states in order to avoid his creditors.

Jeff Albertson (Comic Book Guy)
Image:The Simpsons-Jeff Albertson.png/thumb/right/Jeff Albertson, a.k.a. Comic Book Guy
'''Jeff Albertson''' (known as "'''Comic Book Guy'''") is the proprietor of "The Android's Dungeon," a local comic book shop. Voiced by Hank Azaria, the fat, hirsute, surly character is known for his sarcasm/sarcastic quips to customers. He holds a master's academic degree/degree in folklore and mythology. His catchphrase is the declaration "Worst. _____. ever.", which is usually delivered with slight pauses between each word, and an emphasis on the "ever." His other, but rarely used catchphrase is "Best. ____. ever." Both of which (along with varations of the quotes) are very popular on internet message boards. The character of Jeff Albertson is said to be mocking of certain Simpsons fans who would race to the Internet to criticize the producers and writers of an episode and declare such episode to be the "Worst Episode Ever".

A noted science fiction buff, he has a bumper sticker that reads "MY OTHER CAR IS THE Millennium Falcon/MILLENNIUM FALCON," given to him by a Harrison Ford-lookalike. His license plate is USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)/NCC-1701, the registry number of ''Star Trek/Star Trek's'' Starship_Enterprise#NCC-1701/USS Enterprise. The contents of his display case include, among other oddities, a very rare ''Mary Worth (comic)/Mary Worth'' in which she has advised a friend to commit suicide. He wears prescription pants, and in the 14th Halloween episode revealed he had a ''"Jabba the Hutt/Jabba the butt"'' tattoo in the appropriate place. He also owns a T-shirt that says "C:\DOS C:\DOS\RUN RUN\DOS\RUN'''#Notes/1'''". He is a fan of the Comic strip/comic strip Hi and Lois/Hi & Lois. His store contains a section full of illegal videos (which include Mister Rogers/Mr. Rogers drunk, a top secret American nuclear war strategy, and local news reporter Kent Brockman picking his nose). He once had to give up the Ultimate Belt (which he won as a doorprize at the Star Trek Convention) because he, like most trekkers, had no use for a medium sized belt. He was a virgin well into his forties. At one time he was romantically involved with Principal Skinner's mother Agnes; later, he dated Skinner's fiancee, Edna Krabappel. Comic Book Guy was once married, in an online fantasy game. He and his internet wife were thinking of having children, but that would have severely drained his power crystals.

In an old interview, Matt Groening stated that Comic Book Guy's original name was Louis Lane (a play on Lois Lane's name). Though he was only referred to as "Comic Book Guy" in the show, this was thought to be his real name. A long running gag on the show was to have never revealed Jeff's name (only calling him "Comic Book Guy"). Other characters usually referred to him by name as "Comic Book Guy." The gag concluded on the February 6, 2005 episode, when he told Ned Flanders that "my name is Jeff Albertson, but everyone calls me Comic Book Guy".

''I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I '''dispense''' the insults rather than '''absorb''' them!''

''I am interested in upgrading my 28.8 kilobaud connection to a 1.4 megabit fiber optic T1 line. Will you be able to provide an IP router that's compatible with my Token Ring Ethernet LAN configuration?''

''Once again, my underwear has become entangled in a cow-catcher...''

''Being as you are unfamiliar with sarcasm, I'm going to close the cash register at this point.''

Johnny Tightlips
A member of the Mafia and associate of Fat Tony. He says very little, which spares him from accusations of being a "squealer," but his reticence tends to be unhelpful to himself or others.

:'''Fat Tony:''' ''Did you have a nice flight Johnny Tightlips?''
:'''Johnny:''' ''I ain't sayin' nothin' ''
:'''Fat Tony:''' ''I understand. How is your mother?''
:'''Johnny:''' ''Oh, hey, who says I have a mother?''

:'''Fat Tony:''' ''Johnny Tightlips, do you see the shooter?''
:'''Johnny:''' ''I see a lot of things.''
:'''Fat Tony:''' ''You know, you could be a little more helpful.''

:'''Louie:''' ''Johnny Tightlips, where'd they hit ya?''
:'''Johnny:''' ''I ain't sayin nothin.''
:'''Louie:''' ''But, what do I tell the doctor?''
:'''Johnny:''' ''Tell him to suck a lemon.''

Frankie the Squealer
Frankie is another member of the Mafia and associate of Fat Tony. However, he does not appear to be very useful to his colleagues in criminal activity due to his uncontrollable habit of squealing ("he claims that it's always made [him] feel big"). On several occations, the mob has attempted to kill him for his squealing, though they have always been unsuccessful.

Kent Brockman
Image:The Simpsons-Kent Brockman.png/thumb/right/Kent Brockman

'''Kent Brockman''' (voiced by Harry Shearer) is a local TV news "personality" for KBBL/KBBL-TV (Channel 6). He hosts the KBBL weeknight news (Scott Christian is the weekend news anchor and Kent's fill-in) as well as ''Smartline'', a local current affairs show and ''Eye on Springfield'' which focuses mostly on Springfield's entertainment news. His character bears a striking resemblance to Los Angeles news anchor Jerry Dunphy.

Brockman has a preteen daughter, and has jealously mentioned his sister, who is also a TV reporter with a national network.

At one point, he was fired for using the word "SOB" on air but was later rehired for unspecified reasons.

On one notable episode, Brockman won the multi-million-dollar state lottery jackpot. He has remained a news anchor because he is under contract, though he admits he would not quit his rather well-paying job regardless.

In a flashback to the 1960s, we see that when he started out in television his name was '''Kenny Brocklestein'''.

It is said that Brockman was based on Dunphy and fellow L.A. News legend Hal Fishman.

*[live on air] "I've said it before and I'll say it again; democracy just doesn't work."
*[reading from his script before a show]: Thousands were killed in a tidal wave today in (squints)... Kual.... Kuala Lumpur/Kaula Lum... [crosses it out] ...France!"
*"I know I'm on. I don't care. I don't read the news until I've had my danish."
*"And I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves."
*"This just in. A fistfight is in progress in downtown Springfield. Early reports indicate, and this is very preliminary, that one of the fighters is a giant lizard. [to off-camera aide] Do we have a source on this? ... Uh-huh. A bunch of drunken frat boys. I could use some names... I.P. Freeley... "
*"The government just issued an Orange Alert, which again means... nothing."
*[Special Report on the Krisis at Kamp Krusty] "I've been to Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, and without hyberbole, this is a million times worse than all of them put together."
*"..and how do you know this is live? Penis!"
*"...And the elephant who couldn't stop laughing was put to death."
*"[In a somber tone]: And the fluffy kitten played with that ball of string all through the night. [In a more upbeat tone] On a lighter note, a Kwik-E-Mart clerk was brutally murdered last night."

Tag: Simpsons characters/Brockman, Kent

Lindsey Naegle
'''Lindsey Naegle''' is a Springfield resident and woman who holds many jobs. Her first appearance was in episode AABF18 "They Saved Lisa's Brain" as a member of the Springfield MENSA Society. She has a professional appearance that confuses people who see her in disresputable locales. Also confusing people is when she has a different job in every episode, which she will explain by nonchantlantly admitting to some vice, like being a sexual predator or an alcholic. Among her jobs, these included a supporter of Springfield's brief anti-family laws, a cell phone employee, and an executive; she might also possibly be an executive for the network Krusty the Klown's show runs on.

Lionel Hutz
Image:Mughutz.gif/thumb/right/Lionel Hutz
Lionel Hutz, who was voiced by Phil Hartman, was an inept ambulance chaser that the Simpsons keep hiring as their lawyer (a fact remarked on by Marge in a typically self-aware aside).

In one episode he also turns his hand to selling real estate.

At one point Hutz renamed himself Miguel Sanchez following some trouble which prompted him to change his identity. At the time of this change of identity he was babysitting the Simpson children: Bart, Lisa and Maggie. (At some point, he apparently went by the name Nguyen Van Thoc, or possibly Ngyugen Van Falk.)

The character ceased appearing in new episodes after Hartman was murdered by his wife 1998.

Some examples of Hutzisms:

Wow - these books behind me don't just look good - they're filled with useful legal tidbits!

I've argued in front of every judge in this state - often as a lawyer.

Don't worry, Homer. I have a foolproof strategy to get you out of here. Surprise witnesses, each more surprising than the last. The judge won't know what hit him.

Hutz: Your honor, I call for a, uh, bad court thingy.
Judge: You mean a mistrial?
Hutz: Right. That's why you're the judge and I'm the, uh, law talking guy.

Judge: Mr. Hutz we've been in here for four hours. Do you have any evidence at all?
Hutz: Well, Your Honor. We've plenty of hearsay and conjecture. Those are kinds of evidence.

Hutz: Thank you, Dr. Hibbert.... I rest my case.
Judge: You rest your case?!
Hutz: What? Oh no, I thought that was just a figure of speech. Case closed.

Hutz: (unusually confident) ... and that, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is my case.
Judge: Mr. Hutz, are you aware you're not wearing any pants?

Hutz: uh-oh! We've drawn Judge Schnider!
Marge: Is that bad?
Hutz: Well, he's kinda had it in for me since I kind of ran over his dog.
Marge: You did?
Hutz: Well, replace the word kind of with repeatedly, and the word dog with son.

Marge: So, do you think I have a case?
Hutz: Mrs. Simpson, you're in luck. Your sexual harrassment suit is just the thing I need to rebuild my shattered practice. Care to join me in a belt of Scotch?
Marge: It's 9:30 in the morning.
Hutz: Yeah, but I haven't slept in days.

Luigi Re Soto

This character, voiced by Hank Azaria is the proprietor of the local Italian restaurant. He is basically a parody of the "Italian pasta/pizza chef" stereotype. He often treates his customers rudely and cruelly, slandering and belittling them under his breath. It is possible he is an illegal immigrant.

Luigi seems to have some connections to the mafia as Fat Tony is a frequent customer at his restaurant. Also, he once claimed to have hired his friend to place a horse's head under Homer's bed for giving his restaurant a bad review (Homer subsequently ate the head and gave it a bad review).

His name is possibly a play on the Italian food risotto.

Professor John Frink
Image:The Simpsons-Professor John Frink.png/thumb/right/Professor John Frink

Brilliant scientist and local Springfield professor.

Professor Frink is Springfield's local mad scientist (voiced by Hank Azaria). His character is a mild parody of Jerry Lewis' character, The Nutty Professor. He has a trademark mannerism of using nonsense words when excited (and he's always excited). For example, when a meteor is approaching Springfield in a Paul Bunyan portray, he exclaims ''"That meteor is headed straight for us! With the fire, and the impact, and the hundred percent chance of PAIN! PAIN IN THE GLAYVIN!"''

His laboratory phone number is 5-5-5/555-5782.

In a flashback, the viewer sees him lecturing at the Springfield Heights Institute of Technology, demonstrating the Frinkiac supercomputer and predicting that ''"within 100 years, computers will be twice as powerful, ten thousand times larger, and so expensive that only the five richest kings of Europe will own them. M-huy."''

He is fond of flubber (a fictional material with enhanced bounce properties originating in the movie The Absent Minded Professor
). Professor Frink has basketball shoes made of flubber.

''"Professor Frink, Professor Frink/He'll make you laugh, he'll make you think!"''

He is also the inventor of Hamburger Earmuffs. Using his famous method of combining two already existing inventions, he soon had a hot, marketable product on his hands. However, Homer Simpson attempted to steal this brilliant idea after failing to come up with an invention of his own. Frink was confident though, reassuring himself that ''"these babies'll already be on the shelves while he's still grappling with the pickle matrix!"'' He promptly added ''"hoy-ven-glay-ven!"''

Frink never had a good relation with his father, played by Jerry Lewis. His mother said they were like "positrons and anti-neutrinos". The senior Professor Frink was a "he-man" scientist who, according to his son, worked on the atom bomb by day, slept with Marilyn Monroe by night, and sold secrets to the Russia/Russians at lunch. In the 14th Halloween Episode, Frink brought his father back to life, but he went on a rampage and younger Frink was forced to kill the elder. Frink has a wife and son.

A programming language/calculating tool called Frink has been named in honor of the brilliant Professor Frink [].

Professor Frink was named after an actual producer of The Simpsons, named John Frink.

Ralph Wiggum
See Wiggum family.

Reverend Timothy Lovejoy
Image:c-lovejoy2.gif/thumb/right/Reverend Lovejoy

The local minister
* '''Helen Lovejoy''', his wife
* '''Jessica Lovejoy''', his daughter, a troublemaker who briefly dated Bart Simpson/Bart (guest-voiced by Meryl Streep).
''Timothy Lovejoy'' (voiced by Harry Shearer) is the Reverend of the Church (of uncertain Protestant denomination, possibly "Presbylutheran") that seemingly every Christian in Springfield attends. His sermons vary between dreary recitations of the more opaque parts of the Old Testament, to the occasional "fire and brimstone" scaremongering about Hell - and very little of the love and joy that the Reverend's surname, taken from the name of a street on the north side of Matt Groening's hometown of Portland, Oregon, makes comment on. Bart and Homer, particularly, find it extremely difficult to pay attention during church. An episode points to how he first came to Springfield eager and full of idealism in the 1970s/seventies, but has since become cynical and disillusioned about his flock and his ministry, mostly due to Ned Flanders, who constantly pesters the Reverend with "emergencies" ("Reverend Lovejoy? I think I swallowed a toothpick!" and "I... I'm coveting my own wife!" and so on), which he dispatches with as much brevity as he can manage ("Ned, have you thought about one of the other major religions? They're all pretty much the same"), so that he can go back to what seems to be his true passion - his model trains. "I just stopped caring", he explained to Marge. "[But] fortunately, by then it was the 1980s/eighties, and no one noticed." The producers of The Simpsons have said Lovejoy is one of the few least corrupt and decent characters in Springfield.

The church itself is a clone of the one seen in ''The Graduate''.
''Helen Lovejoy'' is the reverend's judgemental, small minded, moralistic, and gossipy wife. Helen's catchphrase, delivered in times of civic crisis (moral or otherwise), consistently asks, "Will someone please think of the children?"

Sarcastic middle-aged man
A man with a sarcastic outlook on life. He has held numerous jobs in Springfield including Garage owner and various shop clerks. His voice is vaguely reminiscent of Charles Bronson. One episode gives his first name as Rafael, which Sideshow Bob called him in "The Day of the Jackanapes".

:'''Comic Book Guy''': ''"I would like to return your quote-unquote 'ultimate' belt."''
:'''Sarcastic man''': ''"I see. Do you have a receipt, quote-unquote 'sir'?"''
:'''Comic Book Guy''': ''"No, I do not. I won it as a door prize at a Star Trek convention, although I find their choice of prize highly illogical as the average trekkie has no use for a medium sized belt."''
:'''Sarcastic man''': ''"Ooh, a fat sarcastic Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies!"''
:'''Comic Book Guy''': ''''
:'''Sarcastic man''': ''"I hate to break it to ya Casanova, but no receipt, no return"''

Sideshow Bob

Sideshow Bob (real name, Robert Underdunk Terwilliger), voiced by Kelsey Grammer, first appeared in season one's "The Telltale Head" as Krusty the Clown's sidekick. Bob attempted to frame Krusty in a robbery of the Kwik-E-Mart because he was tired of being the butt of Krusty's practical jokes. Bart figured out Sideshow Bob was behind the crime, and Bob was sent to prison. Several times, Bob has either escaped or been released from prison, and has attempted to kill Bart for revenge. Bob has also attempted to kill Bart's Aunt Selma after marrying her. When Bob had finally "gone straight", however, his brother Cecil framed him out of jealousy, and both were arrested.

Sideshow Mel

Sideshow Mel, voiced by Dan Castellaneta, replaced Sideshow Bob as Krusty's sidekick after Bob tried to frame Krusty for the robbery of the Kwik-E-Mart. He frequently suffers from Krusty's abuses on the show. He claims that he and Krusty have never spoken outside of work. His real name is Melvin Van Horne, and he likes the French Arts and pipe-smoking. He is lactose-intolerant, and dislikes bowling.

Another role that Mel often seems to play is the character who makes observational statements in a crowd scene (such as "I would deem it excellent" and "That man is a hero!").

Springfield's resident recidivist felon, always getting arrested but never appearing to stay in jail. He keeps a pack of cigarettes rolled up in his sleeve. He is partial to fast cars and fast women and has a knack for reckless abandon. Snake played Lacrosse at Ball State University, he also attended Middlebury College. His car's name is Lil' Bandit, which may be a 1968/'68 Pontiac Firebird, or a 1969/'69 Dodge Charger. He has a son who looks just like him. His ex-girlfriend Gloria briefly dated Charles Montgomery Burns, but then came back to him.
In the Treehouse of Horror, Snake was executed based on a three strike policy. First he burned down an orphanage, then he blew up a bus full of nuns (which Snake declared was self defense), and he finally smoked in the Kwik-E-Mart. His hair was then implanted into Homer's head, but had to be removed because it made him a homicidal maniac.

Squeaky Voiced Teen
Image:The Simpsons-Squeaky Voiced Teen.png/thumb/right/Squeaky Voiced Teen
A teenager trapped in a long list of dead-end jobs.

The squeaky-voiced teen has acne and his voice is in the process of breaking. He appeared in the opening sequence of one episode, kissing an attractive blonde girl on the couch. In the intro sequence of another episode he appeared as a valet getting the Simpsons' couch for them (although not receiving a tip). He once attempted to commit suicide (because Fox Broadcasting Company/Fox cancelled Futurama (TV series)/Futurama).

There are a few different Squeaky voiced teens, invented usually to suit a certain locale. One was seen, for example in England; fittingly, he had a United Kingdom/British accent. An Australian version of the Squeaky Voiced Teen was seen at the souvenir store that Lisa, Marge, and Maggie visited when the Simpsons were in Australia due to legal reasons where he suggests Bullfrogs should be called 'chazwazzas'. There is also one Krusty Burger restaurant that is entirely staffed by Squeaky Voiced Teens.

In episode ''[9F11] Selma's Choice'' the SVT wore a nametag and was referred to by Bart as "Mitch" when the SVT measured his height for a roller coaster without noticing the candy apple stilts Bart was using. ("Mitch, you're doing a bang up job.") Also, Seymour Skinner refers to him as "Jeremy" from a deleted scene on ''The Complete Fifth Season DVD'', which is in episode ''1F18 Sweet Seymour Skinner's Badass Song'', in a scene where Skinner and Bart are on a roller coaster and the teen portrays a vampire who has "come to suck your blood".

In one episode, it was implied that Lunchlady Doris is actually his mom.

Troy McClure
Voiced By Phil Hartman, Troy McClure was known as the infomercial guy. McClure was supposedly a well known actor, but he was only ever seen hawking products, opening stores, and narrating documentaries. He briefly had a sham marriage with Selma in order to cover up rumors about his sexual fetish with fish.

His appearances always started with him saying "Hi I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such films as '________' and '_______.'" He last appeared in season ten's third epsiode, "Bart the Mother."

"Yes" guy
This character is known for saying ''yeeeeeeessss?''. He has appeared several times working with several jobs: waiter, employee at Costington's, Death Row worker, and ice cream man. There was also a Brazilian version seen, uttering a Portuguese variation of the catchphrase ("Siiiiiiiiiiim" - The nasalization of the word, as is normal in Portuguese, isn't clear when he says it). The cause of him talking like he does is because of a stroke ("I had a stroooooke"). He hasn't been given a name, but has been referred to as "that jerk who goes ''yeeeeesss?''" in ''Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays'' by Homer. He was inspired by Frank Nelson of the old Jack Benny Show whose trademark greeting in all his characters was a long drawn out "''yeeeeesss?''". []

#fn_1_back/Note 1: "C:\DOS C:\DOS\RUN RUN\DOS\RUN" is a computing joke referring to a well-known American children's book that helped children develop sentences. It contained the words: "See Dog." "See Dog Run." "Run Dog Run." It also refers to something that could be typed at the command prompt of the DOS (Disk Operating System) and is pronounced as "See DOS. See DOS run. Run DOS run.".

Tag: Simpsons characters/Recurring
Tag: Lists of fictional characters/Simpsons, recurring
fr:Quelques personnages récurrents des Simpson